Top 20 NuGet md5 Packages

Builds MD5 hash for a combination of standard .NET types. Add this package to your core library, so it would get the source code of this module without installing a binary dependency. Then proceed with using corresponding functionality from Atom.Util namespace, like if it was installed using binary...
Vive.Crypto实现了C#、Java 和 JS 的SM3,SM4的相互加密解密;以及对各种常用的加密算法进行封装,有 Base64、对称加密(DES、3DES、AES、SM4)、非对称加密(RSA、SM2)、Hash(MD4、MD5、HMAC、HMAC-MD5、HMAC-SHA1、HMAC-SHA256、HMAC-SHA384、HMAC-SHA512、SHA、SHA1、SHA256、SHA384、SHA512、SM3)等实现。
This is a wrapper library for System.Security.Cryptography each method accepts a string and returns the hashed value of that string.
Exemplo: MyConvert.ToMd5("Seu Nome"); ou MyCheck.CheckCnpj("00.000.000/0001-00")
Unofficial package of Reid Borsuk and Jenny Zheng md5 raw implementation.
"Cryptography classes
checksum - Command line file checksum validator. checksum checks a file and returns a checksum for both md5 and sha1. To use checksum you would simply provide a file path and it will return the sum for the file. Example: checksum -f="relative\path" Example: checksum "relative\path" ...
A library that implements various encryption and hashing functions.
.Net Dev Utils
A simple encryption provider for WinRT apps. Supports Windows Phone and Windows 8/8.1 apps. Can be used with SQLite.
Pacote de metodos extensiveis para agilizar na validação e manipulação de strings como mascaras, validação de um CPF ou de um CNPJ, Verificar se determinado string contem apenas digitos entre outras funcionalidades. COntamos com sua contribuição no GITHUB
A library to Encrypt/Decript and Hash files and strings It supports applications written with the .Net Framework v3.5 and above. It currently doesn't support Windows Phone, Windows e UWP apps. Implemented Algorithms: Hash ===== CRC32 HMAC-MD5 MD5 SHA-1 Unix-MD5 Unix-SHA2-256 Unix-SHA2-512 Implem...
QNKJ_ImageProject_Ueditor 是基于UEditor的客户端DEMO,根据Image的MD5值进行分配上传服务器的客户端DEMO
Hashiku should help to remember long hash codes such as a SHA-1 by translating them into sentences. If you are lucky they may even sound like a Haiku (
These utilities add support for MD5 hash calculations and add conversion utilities to convert between pixels and twips used in VB6 controls
This version includes the source files
Utils for .NET applications + Serializers for object to JSON and XML + Object Binder for NameValueCollection to Object + Safe converter for any object type to another object type + Regular Expression patterns for many string format + Extension methods for some actions + Hash utils for crypto + File...
Common utility library