Top 20 NuGet md5 Packages

Cryptography extensions for strings and arrays of bytes.
Cybozulabs Md5 (cybozulabs-md5) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Blueimp Md5 (blueimp-md5) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Md5 binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
JS Md5 (js-md5) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Spark Md5 (spark-md5) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
CryptHash.Net is a .NET multi-target class library (.NET Standard 2.0/2.1) that can be used in projects with any .NET implementation, like .NET Framework, .NET Core, Mono, Xamarin, etc., for text and files symmetric (AES_128_CBC / AES_192_CBC / AES_256_CBC / AES_128_GCM / AES_192_GCM / AES_256_GCM) ...
BCodeSfot basic windows dll.With Get computer information,SHA1,MD5,DES,GetHtml etc.
HashDiff is a class-library utility for comparing 2 sets of checksum hashes.
Haxxor is a simple encrpytion/decrpytion framework, which support multiple methods of encryption.
# Encryption Classe responsável por criptografar e descriptografar dados ou mensagens.
Dtx Library - Useful Library for C# Developers
Lightweight helper library to perform common cryptographic operations. This helper library is wrapper from existing .NET framework library. This library requires .NET Framework 4.5+.
A tiny library to read, write and validate .md5 files compatible with md5sum.
You need basic cryptographic functionality to secure data from within your application, but have no clue what ASN.1 or X.509 is? You don't want your code to contain a lot of lines of code that handle byte[], streams, and other weird object types that have nothing to do with your actual business logi...
Provides block-based digest-producing cryptographical algorithms. Also provides concrete implementation for RandomGenerator interface of UtilPack.Cryptography package.
A collection of simplified wrappers around the most commonly used hashing algorithms.
Utilities for C#
Package Description
Hash passwords easily (with salting). You can choose between 6 different hashing algorithms which are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512 and blake2b