Top 20 NuGet maybe Packages

Maybe is a value type (struct) that is guaranteed to never be NULL and either contain an object of the specified type or nothing at all.
Maybe is a value type (struct) that is guaranteed to never be NULL and either contain an object of the specified type or nothing at all.
Maybe is a value type (struct) that is guaranteed to never be NULL and either contain an object of the specified type or nothing at all.
An option/maybe type for .Net.
NullReferenceExceptions are the root of all evil. Slay them for good with SpicyTaco.Maybe.
The option type in C# is used when an actual value might not exist for a named value or variable. An option has an underlying type and can hold a value of that type, or it might not have a value
It's an implementation of "Maybe" and "Either" monads for C# with extra utils, extensions, and integrations.
Optional is a robust option/maybe type for C#.
Some extensions for functional programming with csharp, including monads like: - Maybe - Either - Reader - Writer - Try Moreover includes some extension methods for combining/composing/currying functions.
An option monad, similar to 'Option' in F#\Scala or 'Maybe' in Haskell.
Maybe monad in C#. Port of the Ruby andand gem.
A very lightweight utility library for increased expressiveness.
Serialization library for Maybee and Newtonsoft JSON.
Monads (Maybe, Either, State, Reader, Writer) and monad combinators (Sequence, Sequence_, ReplicateM, ReplicateM_, MapM, MapM_, FoldM, FoldM_, ZipWithM, ZipWithM_, ForM, FilterM, LiftM, LiftM2, LiftM3, LiftM4, LiftM5, Join, When, Unless, Forever, Void, Ap, Compose, Guard, MFilter, MSum) in C#
Functions and types for C# adopted from FP e.g. Option, Choice
Some usage samples to help you get the hang of the Maybe<> type and associated extension methods which are available in the CallMeMaybe library.
Provides a set of types that provide null safety and functional chaining, to enable a functional-like programming style in C#.
Provides a type to represent the lack of a value. The behaviour is comparable to using nullable reference types with forced null checks before dereferencing. The package also provides a set of extension methods to enable a fluent functional pattern using Map and Filter.
Extensions to MaybeMonad package to integrate with the ResultMonad package. For more information see
Helper classes to avoid usage of null in class types. To be used in conjuction with NullableClass.Analyzer