Top 20 NuGet material Packages

Xamarin.Android library for drawing curves on Google Maps Android API v2
Library that can generate WPF Forms using decoration tags
Image Cropping Library for Android (Native Version). This is native code version to preserve image quality.
A fully material-designed about fragment for Xamarin.Android application
A highly flexible set of lovely looking views that provides functionality of Preferences for Xamarin.Android.
An android library that brings the floating action button expandable
Android Material theme for preference widgets. Backporting the material look and functionality. Available from API 14. Connecting preference-v7 to appcompat-v7.
A fully and highly customizable material designed Toast for Android.
Describe your animation and run!
A library creates spinners for Android that really work
Lachlan.Visual extends the Xamarin.Forms.Visual.Material with case preserving renderers and pickers with titles/hints.
Material Design Search Bar for Android Based on the fantastic version created by: The original one: This beautiful and easy to use library will help to add Lollipop Material Design SearchView in your project.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Shripal Jain's MaterialIntroView-v2, a beautiful and highly customisable material-design based Android library to help your users get started with your awesome app
C# bindings for MaterialLoadingProgressBar library. MaterialLoadingProgressBar provide a styled ProgressBar which looks like SwipeRefreshLayout's loading indicator(support-v4 v21+).
This decorator allows you to easily create section headers for RecyclerViews using a LinearLayoutManager in either vertical or horizontal orientation. It's a Xamarin binding of the StickyHeadersRecyclerView library by Timehop.
Shadow for uwp control base on win2d
Material Font for Xamarin-Iconify. Iconify offers you a huge collection of vector icons to choose from, and an intuitive way to add and customize them in your Android app. Original Iconify project by Joan Zapata ( has been converted to C# to simplify in...
Material Community Font for Xamarin-Iconify. Iconify offers you a huge collection of vector icons to choose from, and an intuitive way to add and customize them in your Android app. Original Iconify project by Joan Zapata ( has been converted to C# to s...