Top 20 NuGet material-design Packages

SlimChart SlimChart is a light and easy to use chart library for Android. Using SlimChart you will be able to create a stylish chart for your stats
Android BottomSheet library like fancy dialog
A virtual ruler widget for Android
Countdown enabled button which can be used to disable user interactions while showing a timer on top of it.
Cardslider Android is a Material Design UI controller that allows you to swipe through cards with pictures and accompanying descriptions.
Tinder like cards for Xamarin.Android
A Material design back port of Android's CalendarView
Simple TextView library that lets developer easily set custom attributes through xml, programmatically or both
Xamarin.Android Libary that lets you to select multiple images or video
A color picker seekbar for Xamarin.Android
Custom fonts for Xamarin.Android in the easy way
Xamarin.Android step indicator for onboarding or simple viewpager
A breathing toolbar library for Xamarin.Android
Xamarin.Android Youtube Player Activity. Simply pass a url to play youtube video in new activity. It supports screen orientation, media volume control and etc.
The YouTube Android Player API enables you to incorporate video playback functionality into your Android applications. The API defines methods for loading and playing YouTube videos (and playlists) and for customizing and controlling the video playback experience.
Xamarin.Android lib to convert image in pencil sketch, gray scale, blur effect and inverted color
DrawerLayout-like ViewGroup, where a drawer is hidden under the content view, which can be shifted to make the drawer visible
The usual Toast for Xamarin.Android, but with steroids
WebView implementation supporting Markdown rendering for Xamarin.Android
Beautiful Color Picker dialog for Android 9+ based on VintageChroma by Pavel Sikun