Top 20 NuGet material-design Packages

Xamarin.Android Binding for HeyAlex's ExpandableCardView.
Xamarin.Android Binding for HeyAlex' BottomDrawer, an Android BottomSheet with animations
Xamarin.Android Binding for Evgenii Zagumennyi's SwitchIcon, a Google launcher-style implementation of switch (enable/disable) icon
Xamarin.Android Binding for ImaginativeShohag's Oops! No Internet!, a simple no Internet dialog and snackbar, which will automatically appear and disappear based on Internet connectivity status.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Lopez Mikhael's RateBottomSheet, an Android library to promote your app by prompting users to rate your app in a BottomSheet
Xamarin.Android Binding for Saleh Yarahmadi's DataTable, an Material Data Table Library
Xamarin.Android Binding for GuilhE's QuantityPickerView, an Android View capable of increasing or decreasing a unit value with a toggle animation
Xamarin.Android Binding for Qifan Yang's TypingIndicator, an Android library to show something like typing indicator
Xamarin.Android Binding for MiniBugDev's SheetSelection, an Android library for display list and be able to select the item as BottomSheet.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Shripal Jain's MaterialIntroView-v2, a beautiful and highly customisable material-design based Android library to help your users get started with your awesome app
Xamarin.Android Binding for Side-codes' andColorPicker, a handy, flexible and lightning-fast material color picker UI components for Android
Xamarin.Android Binding for Skydoves' PowerMenu, 🔥 The powerful and easiest way to implement modern material popup menu.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Oktavianto's IonAlert, a beautiful design Android Alert Dialog, alternative of Sweet Alert Dialog based on KAlertDialog using MaterialComponent
Xamarin.Android Binding for DanielMartinus' Stepper-Touch, a Stepper Touch for Android based on a Material Up showcase designed by Oleg Frolov
Xamarin.Android Binding for kcrimi's ToolTipDialog, an easy to use tool tip dialogs with optional view highlighting
Xamarin.Android Binding for Zhihu's Matisse, a well-designed local image and video selector for Android.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Invissvenska's NumberPickerPreference, an AndroidX preference based NumberPicker
Xamarin.Android Binding for Invissvenska's ModalBottomSheetDialog, Another BottomSheetDialog for Android
Xamarin.Android Binding for Felix Soares' AnimatedBottomBar, a library that allows you to show bottom navigation quickly, simply and animated.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Santalu's Maskara. A simple way to format text fields without getting affected by input filters.