Top 20 NuGet matching Packages

Portable library for easy to use F#-like Discriminated Unions in C#. Implicitly casts objects into OneOf instances, then use .Match extension to do pattern matching. Designed as a partial drop in replacement for OneOf.
BlueSimilarity is a string similarity metric library with semantic learning optimized for speed and simple usage (edit distance - Levenshtein, Damerau-Levenshtein; Levenshtein, Damerau-Levenshtein, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, Jaccard, Dice, Overlap, Semantic Bag of Words Similarity, TFIDF, SoftTFIDF)
Package Description
Brahman is a set of snippets, algorithms and solution for end users based on Brahma.FSharp. Brahman.Substrings is a library for substrings matching."
Library provides C# language extensions
A library for F# like functional patten matching based on the work of Bob Nystrom.
Library for fuzzy string matching. Can be used to find doublets or similarities between strings. -string metrics (Levenshtein, Jaccard, JaroWinkler,...) -algorithms (SortedNeigborhood, Blocking) -phonetic codecs(Soundex, DoubleMetaphone, Phonix, ...) -string tokenizer (NGram,...
Library (.Net Standard 1.0) to support text and person name matching. Currently contains Levenshtein and Damerau-Levenshtein (optimal string alignment version) edit distance and normalized similarity functions optimized for speed and reduced memory consumption. There are also versions of the functio...
Ccr.Algorithms package for Sequential sets, pairs, triples, and quads; String algorithms, and spline interpolation algorithms.
A Fast Local Descriptor for Dense Matching
First Release of TagMatchLib
A netstandard library that allows you to effortlessy grab files via glob/minimatch patterns. Great for resolving relative paths coming from the command-line
Fingeprint macthing library based on code and papers of Miguel Angel Medina Pérez
The Langly runtime.
A managed wrapper to the CMT algorithm for visual object tracking.
A flexible and easy to use .NET library that simplifies matching of values as well as filtering.
Poor man's and Just Another Pattern Matching simple helper class
A BK tree implementation for fast, fuzzy string matching. Check out the code and usage instructions on the github page (see package information/project URL link).