Top 20 NuGet mail Packages

Расширения для управляемой и быстрой выкачки контента из сети.
MailUp Rest API SDK
Send mail using Unity(DI). Just config file only, binary file is not necessary.
Nequeo mail component
Simple email wrapper in C# for SMTP and Mailgun
Mailzory helps you to send emails which are based on Razor templates. Mailzory is dependent on RazorEngine project.
Lob API wrapper for .Net (unofficial)
Mognet Sengrid is a .NET Standard 2.0 NuGet used to send mails via Sengrid. With this package you'll be able to send mails from any sort of project type ranging from .NET Framwork or Core to Xamarin and UWP.
Mail sending utilities for .NET
Read and send emails easily.
A simple but effective SMTP client for ASP.NET core
An implementation of SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) conversation to build SMTP service.
Extensions methods to convert EmailMessage objects from EWS to System.Net.Mail.MailMessage objects
An open source email-like message passing protocol with focus on confidentiality and authentication.
A C# Library for GuerrillaMail api
A SendGrid implementation for DevAccelerate Mail for sending email messages.
Provides interfaces for sending email messages.
Simple API wrapper for