Top 20 NuGet mail Packages

- Sending MediaType as (Html, Plain, RichText, Xml) - add Listof files, To, Cc & Bcc - Changing the EncodingType - Send Async OR Sync mails
A simple but powerful mailer built up with handlerbars as viewengine.
CrossPlatformLibrary.Messaging is a plug-in for platform-independent communication (email, telephone, sms).
SMTP mailing service using DotLiquid as templating engine, supporting poco viewmodels as well as anonymous objects.
A very standard and powerful library for sending email in your applications with C# language.
LogPusher .Net Connector for LogPusher Notification System. Fore more help please send email [email protected]
Provides mail services implementation using the System.Net classes.
Email server that sends mail from .Net Applications to multiple recipients, download mails e.t.c. For suggestions and comments, please send mails to [email protected]
NetStandard implementation of actions that you can do on a Contact: Call, Sms, Email
The OutlookProvider is a wrapper class which provides collections to data of Outlook (AppointmentItems, ContactItems, MailItems, TaskItems, ...). The OutlookProvider exposes collections of classes of the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook assembly so you have full access to all properties and it also ...
The Amazing DotNet-Library
NET - sockets: Abstracted low level network support - Reactor pattern: Popular network abstraction pattern support - MIME messages: Encoding support - HTTP: High level HTTP support for client and servers - FTP: High level FTP support - Mail: POP3, SMTP stream based support - HTML: Form support
Provides an email sending provider configurable via code or configuration, search for alternate providers
Provides an email sending provider configurable via code or configuration, search for alternate providers
Base package for Notifications. Use it only for creating your own notifications systems based on this package.