Top 20 NuGet machine Packages

Common utilities classes like a finite state machine, an IEntity class, etc.
Sample utils for Microsoft.ML.Samples
ML.NET components for Apache Parquet support.
Finite state machine with fluent syntax. i.e. public class DefineAuthenticationState2 : StateDefinition<AuthenticationState> { public override void Define(IStateFromBuilder<AuthenticationState> builder) { builder.From(AuthenticationState.Unauthenticated).To(AuthenticationState.Authenticated) ...
SDK for the Indico API
Simple finite state machine that can be used for games, services and other programs that require complex state management.
EMSm is a simple, TDD-testable hierarchical state machine library for .Net, perfectly suitable for developing the behavior of your embedded systems.
A finite state machine for .NET
Minimalistic state machine. Commonly used types: • IState<TContext, TEvent, TState> • StateMachine<TContext, TEvent, TState> • IAsyncState<TContext, TEvent, TState> • AsyncStateMachine<TContext, TEvent, TState>
extension for JasonState
Get related values to a word or list of words in different languages
ML.NET Code Generator
Infer.NET is a framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models. It can also be used for probabilistic programming. This package contains visualization tools for exploring and analyzing models on Windows platform.
ML.NET featurizers with native code implementation
AIOne is the first step of an Artificial Intelligence which is to detect language
Flosys Machine Vision Library for .NET Framework 4.8
TinySM is a simple finite state machine engine.
It's a simple library for reading GNU's Gettext Machine Object (*.mo) binary files.