Top 20 NuGet machine Packages
Library for general purpose numerical computing and Machine Learning based on tensors and tensor expressions.
Highly extendable neural network framework. Allows you to customly define number of features (inputs), how many hidden layers exist and how many nodes exist on each layer, as well as how many output neurons there are.
.NET Client for Algorithmia Algorithms and Data API
State Machine (state-machine) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
[DEPRECATED] This library is deprecated. Please use the normal StateMachine instead which is fully tested and being actively maintained.
This project implements a Finite-State-Machine (FSM) designed to be used in games.
Furthermore it implements eve...
The C# client for the Clarifai v2 API.
Simple C# client library for DeepAI's machine learning APIs.
Timer Machine (timer-machine) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Javascript State Machine (javascript-state-machine) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
This class contains two part :
the first part define an arrays used for invoking the web service on Azure Machine Learning:
• The ColumnNames string array contains the column names for the input parameters.
• The Values string array will contain the individual values for each corresponding ...
Efficient state machines for .NET with both synchronous and asynchronous support
Fork of
This package contains ONNX Runtime for .Net platforms
GenderPrediction.Turkish is a library that provides prediction of gender from Turkish names built on ML.NET Both training
Library for the FSharp friendly usage of the ML.NET project
Async based Paperspace API client library for .NET Core
state machine implementation for .net framework and .net core
C# bindings for NumPy on Win64 - a fundamental library for scientific computing, machine learning and AI. Does require Python 3.7 with NumPy 1.16 installed!
A small .Net Standard library used to model simple State Machines