Top 20 NuGet lucene Packages

(Incomplete) Amazon implementation of the Kalix.Leo storage abstraction
Lucene.NET extension (derived searcher) with simplified (and correct!) facet behaviour
An alternative Elasticsearch client for .NET, built on-the-go while working on real-world projects
Provides full-text search using Lucene for the MicroCms CMS framework
C# port of NrtManager and SearcherManager from Lucene 3.5.0
User-Friendly ElasticSearch c# client for Selecting and Aggregating data queries. It's still in early in development, so things like the name-spaces can still change.
Strongly typed object mapper for Lucene.Net
Store your Lucene.NET files in a SQLServer database. No more need for a shared file system when operatring in a webfarm.
A Directory to store the index files in LiteDB database to secure the indexed data with LiteDb password.
盘古分词是一个中英文分词组件, 基于官方代码移植,已适配Lucene.Net 3.x. 欢迎Fork GitHub!
Provides a Lucene.Net index Directory which persists data in Azure Blobs. Use the 0.* packages when you need to target Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob, and the 1.x packages when the newer Azure.Storage.Blobs is to be targeted.
A directory factory implementation for Examine to store the primary index files in Blob storage and syncing them to the local fast drive.
Unofficial (by Take) strongly typed interface to Elasticsearch. Fluent and classic object initializer mappings of requests and responses. Uses and exposes Elasticsearch.Net
Crawl and index your (static) website for searching using an MSBuild target. Simple search query interface. Uses Lucene.Net and NCrawler.
The crawling/indexing component of the Sitecore Search Contrib project
The searching/querying component of the Sitecore Search Contrib project
ActiveLucene.Net is a collection of classes to facilitate developing with Lucene.Net. At its core is the ability to easily and automatically convert between a Lucene Document object and a POCO through the use of attributes.