Top 20 NuGet lucene Packages

Glass & Sitecore 6.6 extensions for Lucinq 2.9
Glass extensions for Lucinq Sitecore Integration
Glass extensions for Lucinq Sitecore Integration
Skybrud.Lucene.TermExtractor is a small library to extract terms from an Umbraco Lucene Index. You can use it, if you for example, want to make a auto-suggestion-searchword function on your website (ala
Map objects to Lucene.Net Documents and vice versa. Query for Documents based on their mapped types.
Nequeo search engine component
Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of solving a growing number of use cases. As the heart of the Elastic Stack, it centrally stores your data so you can discover the expected and uncover the unexpected.
An easy to use search Library powered by Lucene.Net
Lucene-based Full-text Search Indexing for Umbraco websites.
Lucene Steroids replicates the Lucene.NET database between several machines (in a master-slave disposition) using cwRsync to sync files.
A Lucene.Net directory implementation using MongoDB's GridFS.
SimpleLucene is a wrapper for the popular Lucene.NET search engine. It makes common Lucene tasks such as creating, indexing and maintaining your index much easier.
Provides a simple API to use Lucene.NET with objects without having previous knowledge of indexing
An implementation of the Lucene.NET directory class that uses the Azure Local Cache (Preview) as the backend
Fluent API to drive
Sitecore extensions for the Lucinq API
Fluent API to drive
SimpleLucene is a wrapper for the popular Lucene.NET search engine. It makes common Lucene tasks such as creating, indexing and maintaining your index much easier.
This is IKVM compatible lucene benchmark package. This is used in FlexSearch (