Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

Implements the logging interfaces of Affecto.Logging package using Log4Net.
Toolkit for ASP.NET Web API. Provides loggers, exception handlers, attributes and interfaces.
An persistence provider for Elmah using Shaolinq
Jali is a cross platform execution context of explicitly provided crosscutting concers. NJali.Jali is the .NET implementation.
Tiny Logging library that we use in many projects; helper functions for NLog
Logrila logging adapter that integrates with NLog.
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
ILogInject.Unity enables the Unity IOC container to inject a CommonLogging.ILog class logger into a registered class.
Logging provider implementation using NLog
Logging provider implementation using Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log
Common components for building a web based platform.
Raavel .NET notifier
Logging provider implementation using NLog
An NLog target that utilize the standart Network target with tcp connection and allows to write to
Various utilities for C#.NET.
A Serilog plugin for the HoneyBear.Spy logging library.
WebApi.RequestLogging allows you to easily add NLog-based request logging to Web API projects.
OWIN logging extensions using LogJam
Logging utility