Top 20 NuGet logger Packages

Outputs events to the standard console output.
Calamara Module for Logging Mechanism
Outputs events to the XMPP network using XEP-0337.
Outputs events to the Windows Event Log.
An implementation of ILogger that logs to Elastic Search.
Additional features and functionalities to extend Easy.Logger
This is a library that provides logging for .NET Core 2.0 applications. It gives the option of logging to Disk, SQL database or MongoDb. It also has a find method that can be used to search for logs based on time range, partial message string, log type (Exception, Error, Warning, Information).
.NET Core ILogger Provider for Azure EventHubs
Detects and analyzes exceptions in WPF applications. Know where, why and when exceptions are thrown.
NLog adapter for LogSpect.
Log4Net adapter for LogSpect.
This package contains some really basic logger implementations (ConsoleLogger, ColoredConsoleLogger and TextFileLogger) for LogSpect. These can be used for simple scenarios, but if you need more functionality and reliability it's highly recommended to use LogSpect with one of the more mature logging...
LogSpect is a light-weight, extensible and easy to use AOP logger for .NET that saves you from the repeating efforts of logging. Just mark the methods you want and everything will be logged automatically: method calls, parameters, return values and exceptions. This package contains the LogSpectRewri...
Provides support for simple fluent logging that is lazily evaluated/printed when enabled.
Allows you to notify a mobile phone by SMS over provider.
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a develop framework named assistant jane!