Top 20 NuGet logger Packages

This package simplifies logging to LogEntries using nLog as the engine.
Used with SimpleLogging, this provides you with a quick, simple and easy way to log messages with NLog. A common use of this is to send messages to an NLog viewer like Sentinel to get live (streamed) logging messages. Also includes a simple way to programatically turn on/off an NLogViewTar...
Implementation for log4net
A simple high-peformance portable logging framework for .NET, which follows simple convention over configuration, works with PCL.
Free and simple profiler and logger for Entity Framework 4 and 5 version
Log4Net logging extensions for Basco
ErrorControlSystem is a .NET library created to automate handling .NET Windows-Base application exceptions and raise that to a sql server. This exception handler have some features as screen capturing, fetch server date time in exception occurrence time and etc.
Simple and easy to use the log class library package
It is a Fay Logging facade for the Microsoft Enterprise Library Logging Application Block version 5. This facade provides a simple delegate logging API making logging easier, while helping to make sure any of the code required to generate a log message is not executed unless the logging level is wit...
It is a Fay Logging facade for the NLog version 4.x. This facade provides a simple delegate logging API making logging easier, while helping to make sure any of the code required to generate a log message is not executed unless the logging level is within scope.
It is a Fay Logging facade for the log4net. This facade provides a simple delegate logging API making logging easier, while helping to make sure any of the code required to generate a log message is not executed unless the logging level is within scope.
A simple logger that writes to a file. DI ready. Contact me if need help.
A very useful proxy for using NLog. You can use it! But if you want to use another logger such as Log4Net, you can change just LoggerProxy! not all of your applications.
Logger for .NET projects. Works with Framework 4.0 and later.
This is Entity Framework Core logger and logger provider. A small package to allow store logs in any data store using Entity Framework Core.
A simple logger with an ability to log to email, file and Entity Framework 6 Code First database. Read more in readme.
A log interface with default classes for .net standard
Logger is a client library which logs a message in the Event Viewer, or text file an Azure table storage.
Provides logging and tracking for Azure Service Fabric services