Top 20 NuGet locking Packages
Simple cross-platform locks. Supports .NET 4 and later, Silverlight 4 and 5, Windows Store Apps, and Windows Phone 7 and later.
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
Loki provides an easy way to handle locking scenarios on distributed systems.
Value based scope locking utility for .NET Standard.
Usage details:
Package Description
Cross-platform library providing exclusive lock on file, with timeout functionality. Based on:
Package Description
Binaries for the Locker library.
Visit for an overview and usage examples.
Deploys the NCache Session Storage Services in an ASP.NET Core web application for .NET Framework. The services include complete session management module to replace the default ASP.NET Core session management with additional NCache exclusive features such as session locking that follows the flow of...
Package Description
ReadersWriterLockAsync solves the thread affinity problem for using multiple readers and a single writer lock using async code. It also resumes awaits on the SynchronizationContext where it was started. For example on UI-threads.