Top 20 NuGet locking Packages

Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
Consul Client. Fork from
An ultra lightweight API for robust distributed application mutex locking capabilities leveraging Sql Server. The API provides a set of easy to use custom extensions for the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient library that provide robust distributed application mutex/locking support via the sp_getapplock & sp...
An ultra lightweight API for robust distributed application mutex locking capabilities leveraging Sql Server. The API provides a set of easy to use custom extensions for the System.Data.SqlClient that provide robust distributed application mutex/locking support via the sp_getapplock & sp_releaseapp...
Manage auto sleep / auto lock in all platforms. This allows running very long tasks without fearing the device going to sleep.
Easy usage implementation of distributed locks using azure storage account.
The Common libraries for SqlAppLockHelper; a library for easily using Sql Server built in support for robust distributed mutex applicaiton locking capabilities. You should install SqlAppLockHelper.SystemData or SqlAppLockHelper.MicrosoftData depending on which SqlClient liberaries are in use in your...
A collection of classes to simplify basic concurrency patterns like associating a lock with an object.
Wintellect's own Jeffrey Richter has produced the Power Threading library (DLL) containing many classes to help with threading and asynchronous programming. There are versions of the library for the .NET Framework, Silverlight, and the .NET Compact Framework. Jeffrey has described many of the cla...
Semaphore using Azure Storage (based off of SemaphoreSlim)
Deploys the NCache Session Storage Services in an ASP.NET Core web application for .NET Framework. The services include complete session management module to replace the default ASP.NET Core session management with additional NCache exclusive features such as session locking that follows the flow of...
Package Description
Easy usage implementation of distributed locks using azure storage account.
A thread-safe in-memory locking service that allows you to lock on a Guid or String.
Simple, reliable file lock implementation in C#
A thread-safe in-memory locking service that allows you to lock on a Guid.
cross platform blocking file locks
Loki provides an easy way to handle locking scenarios on distributed systems.
Cross-platform library providing exclusive lock on file, with timeout functionality. Forked from: