Top 20 NuGet lock Packages
Keysmith provides support efficient distributed locking with one redis instance. For several redis instances, prefer redlock.
Provides the ability to List items in Concurrent manner.
This package helps you to lock threads by name.
BlitzCache is a thread safe cache that accepts synchronous and asyncronous calls being simplicity its main goal.
Different helper methods I use for all my personal projects as Csv import/export, Json export, background execution, fluent locking, etc
Provides the ability to List items in Concurrent manner.
Distributed locks by Redlock algorithm in redis
Distributed locks by Redlock algorithm
SimpleEncryption.NET is a simple C# API that allow you to Encrypt and Decrypt Files, Byte Array and String. It provide you many chiffer, some verry quick and some verry strong. From Ceasar to AES, it allow you to save some IV Key for encrypting one side and decrypting an other side.
ReadersWriterLockAsync solves the thread affinity problem for using multiple readers and a single writer lock using async code. It also resumes awaits on the SynchronizationContext where it was started. For example on UI-threads.