Top 20 NuGet lock Packages

Cross-platform library providing exclusive lock on file, with timeout functionality. Based on:
Provides the ability to List items in Concurrent manner.
Provides the ability to List items in Concurrent manner.
Client for MadNodeLock component.
MongoDB utilities to apply optimistic concurrency when updating and deleting entities using a version property.
Binaries for the Locker library. Visit for an overview and usage examples.
jQuery plugin that locks mouse wheel scroll inside container, preventing it from propagating to parent element
Adds setup authoring to your MSI that installs the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading assembly to Visual Studio 2010-2012.
Disposable lock file
Here's some enums, interfaces and other classes for library.
.NET async/await friendly task synchronization primitives
Flexberry Lock Service.
enode infrastructure
Package Description
Octopus Ready Version of clinical Lock Service Wrapper
Octopus Ready Version of clinical Lock Service
Command line tool used to setup and run on premise integrations such as RCO against BokaMera
C# asynchronous and synchronous locking based on a key
Asynchronous and synchronous lock with two priorities in C#