Top 20 NuGet localization Packages

Localizr is a helpful library when managing various text resources type (resx, json, xml, database, etc), from various origin (assembly, web service, database, etc), for various cultures, and all mixable.
Localizr is a helpful library when managing various text resources type (resx, json, xml, database, etc), from various origin (assembly, web service, database, etc), for various cultures, and all mixable.
Adds support to allow IRequestCultureProviders instances to be resolve during the request using Unity container. This can be useful if the provider has external dependencies such as database connections etc that are best handled via DI
Port of AspNetCore localization middleware to Owin middleware. Uses provider model with built in support for automatically applying culture information to HTTP requests. Culture information can be specified in the HTTP header, query string, cookie, or custom source. Also adds support for ...
Painless currency management in .NET.
Smart internationalization for .NET web apps; Globally recognized interface; localize like the big kids; Localizes everything; controller calls, views, validation attributes, and routes.
Provides strongly typed access to EPiServer lang (*.xml) files. Use TranslationKeys.MyPage.MyCategory.Intro.GetString() instead of string-based version LocalizationService.Current.GetString("/myPage/myCategory/intro")
Provides classes to store localization strings in a database, XML file, or any other source.
A wpf localization toolkit
ASP.NET MVC Localization Usage <li>@Html.ActionLinkLocalization("English", "Index", "Locales", new { lang = "en_US" })</li> <li>@Html.ActionLinkLocalization("Türkçe", "Index", "Locales", new { lang = "tr_TR" })</li> Or <a href="Locales/?lang=en_US">English</a> <a href="Locales/?lang=tr_TR">Türkçe<...
Simple yet powerful translation and localisation library for .NET applications. TxTranslation is a complete solution for drop-in localisation in all types of .NET applications (WPF, WinForms, ASP.NET, Service, Console). It has an easy syntax through XAML extensions and Windows Forms binding and reg...
Localization file generator for your Xamarin iOS / Android
‫اعتبار سنجی های سمت کلاینت با استفاده از دیتا-انوتیشن ها و افزودن چند اتریبیوت بسیار ساده و تمیز است. برای فارسی سازی آن کافیست این کتابخانه را به پروژه اضافه کرده و متد زیر را فراخوانی کنید PersianDataAnnotationsValidator.RegisterAdapters(); برای رفع مشکلات یا ارتقا یا تغییر به آدرس زیر مراجعه ک...
Contrib implementation of IViewLoader for IdentityServer3 views in multiple languages
Smart internationalization for .NET web apps; Globally recognized interface; localize like the big kids; Localizes everything; controller calls, views, validation attributes, and routes.
Provides support of plural rule compilation to the IL bytecode.
Onism is a high-performance CLDR library for .NET.
Custom RazorViewEnginge and Build-Task for gfoidl.Translator
Helper library for writing Data Localization Queries for Linq based data access technologies