Top 20 NuGet listview Packages

Dynamic Layout for Xamarin.Forms. Use horizontal or vertical controls like a listview.
Simple chip library that allows you to create your own chip views and views for the ListView all within one adapter.
BoardView is a custom view that allows you to be able to re-order items in a list as well as in a board. You can drag and drop items between columns as well as drag and drop columns.
ZebraTextView makes reading long text Paragraph more comfortable
Xamarin.Android Binding for Txus Ballesteros' SlidingDeck View
Xamarin.Android Binding for Arthur Ivanets Adapster, an Android library designed to enrich and make your RecyclerView adapters more SOLID
* All functions from Sharpnado.HorizontalListView included. Source: * Horizontal, Grid, Carousel or Vertical layout * Reveal custom animations * Drag and Drop feature * Column count * Infinite loading with Paginator component * ...
Facilitates two-way binding of the readonly MultiSelector.SelectedItems property in ListBox/ListView on WPF. There's also a working prototype/example for binding Calendar.SelectedDates using a similar mechanism.
Binding library for SwipeActionAdapter (
ObjectListView is a .NET ListView wired on caffeine, guarana and steroids. More calmly, it is a C# wrapper around a .NET ListView, which makes the ListView much easier to use and teaches it lots of neat new tricks.
ObjectListView is a .NET ListView wired on caffeine, guarana and steroids. More calmly, it is a C# wrapper around a .NET ListView, which makes the ListView much easier to use and teaches it lots of neat new tricks.
ObjectListView is a .NET ListView wired on caffeine, guarana and steroids.
These are line or seperator controls for all programming activities
An auxiliary package that allows you to create observable grouped collections from Realm models.
Neo Systems (Pty) Ltd Windows Forms Utilities
Lightweight extension library for UWP UI controls