Top 20 NuGet list Packages

Helpfull extensions to System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper. Method ListEditorFor creates an editor to add, remove and change elements in a list on the view model.
A log message management system and exploration UI, in a similar vein to Swagger. Contains an expressive templating system.
Extensions from STDev. Target is .NET 4.6, UWP, Xamarin(Android, iOS, Forms) and .NET Standard 1.3.
Property List is a property editor for making repeatable lists of a datatype for Umbraco 7.6+
Country List (country-list) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Word List JSON (word-list-json) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Fast List (fast-list) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Query actual file on your file system.
Data provider for project's static data needs like continents, countries, cities, currencies, university
Classes to support a business logic layer or an API. Keep child-parent relationships in sync. Wrap a result with data along with a Successful flag and a list of messages. Keep business logic units separate, implementing ISideEffect. Check whether a list is dirty.
Sticky header for Android RecyclerView. You can make sticky items in RecyclerView with this library.
A flexibly configurable, beautifully animated, device-rotatable drop down list widget for Android.
This a fork from Utf8Json where we added support for Span and ListPool
S3PartialFileReader for ZipContent.Core Lists zip file content on AWS S3 without downloading whole document. Supports both zip and zip64 files.
The HierList ASP WebControl generates hierarchial lists from XML data sources using the <ul>, <ol>, and <li> html tags. The HierList supports the XmlDataSource and SiteMapDataSource controls for binding to XML and site maps respectively.
Implements types and extension methods for transforming and implicitly defining instances of the readonly collection interfaces new to .Net 4.5. (The interfaces are IReadOnlyList<T>, IReadOnlyCollection<T>, and IReadOnlyDictionary<K,V>.) For example, the library implements a Select method that ens...
Hierarchical data presentation components for WPF and .NET 4: Tree-list. Main features: Inheriting ListView, providing tree-view behavior; Data binding with high customizability; Rich user experience, customizable appearance, culture and theme awareness; Extended Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern ...
Hierarchical data presentation components for Windows® Forms and .NET 2.0 SP2: Data tree-grid. Main features: Inheriting DataGridView, providing tree-view behavior; Data binding with high customizability; Customizable appearance, culture awareness.
Pattern for software integration with cloud based email service provider list management processes. Most list management services offer email based SUBSCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE methods to add / remove users to mailing lists. This library provides a general pattern / interface for integration with such ...