Top 20 NuGet list Packages

Support for Reactive Extensions overloads for various types in the LanguageExt functional framework
This Package provides Round Robin algorithm that is thread safe, It can be used for load balancing
Parser combinators library based on Haskell Parsec. This is part of the LanguageExt functional framework and requires LanguageExt.Core
RadioButtonList and CheckBoxList for WinForms
Master-detail CRUD framework based on ASP.NET Core 8. It is prepared for developers to develop Entity Framework database managing applications.
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion® Xamarin.WPF DataGrid control and more.
Helper library for the LanguageExt functional framework that facilitates interop between F# native types like Option, Map, List, etc to .NET and Language-Ext types.
Hierarchical data presentation components for Silverlight™ 4 / WPF and .NET 4 or .NET Core 3.1/5+: Data tree-grid. Main features: Inheriting DataGrid, providing tree-view behavior; Data binding with high customizability; Increased performance for large sets of data; Rich user experience, customizabl...
Warning: Versions >= do not rely on UWP or Android renderers. Read getting started at: Platforms: Android - UWP - IOS - WPF - Single Item Selection - Multiple Items Selection - Vertical, Horizontal, GridLayout orienta...
Xamarin Froms Floatingactionbutton IOS and ANDROID native renderers.
This package includes UI components for Windows and Uno Platform applications such as: - DropDownList for providing a selection control that provides a drop-down combo box that allows users to select one or multiple items from a list.
Azure functions extension for simple CRUD + List functions following the DRY principle.
Package Description
Update package for umbraco CMS v8.4.1 * Umbraco Forms v8.1.2 * Mailchimp Integration WorkflowType
Set of extended collections related functionality.
Extension function pack to increase productivity and improve source code writing.
ComponentOne List for WinForms is a set of advanced listbox and multi-column combobox controls that allow users to browse, edit, add, and delete data in a tabular format.
GoogleDrivePartialFileReader for ZipContent.Core Lists zip file content on Google Drive service without downloading whole document. Supports both zip and zip64 files.
ComponentOne List for WinForms は、ユーザーが表形式でデータを参照、編集、追加、および削除できるようにする、高度なリストボックスおよび複数列コンボボックスコントロールのセットです。 【本パッケージは日本語版製品です】
Serilog Redis sinks that logs to a Redis List type