Top 20 NuGet linq Packages

Package Description
System.Linq.Sql is a light weight set of extensions for System.Linq for making database operations on types that are not known at compile time.
Extension methods for linq.
DynamicWhereBuilder is a free library that let's you build complex LINQ where queries using special sentences called "QueryParts".
This is a Sql automatic data mapping library which extends the SqlConnection class. It is intended to be as simple to use as possible through the use of one parameter generic query methods and attributes
This is the Microsoft assembly for the .Net 4.0 Dynamic language functionality.
ORM Profiler lets you gain insight in what your data-access code, e.g. your LLBLGen Pro using code, is doing, find performance problems and quickly learn how to fix them. SD.Tools.OrmProfiler.Interceptor.NetFull is the interceptor package for regular ORMs and ADO.NET using data-access logic, wit...
LogicBuilder.DataContracts defines the objects used to for real-time deployment of the rules during development - from the Logic Builder Client to the Web-API.
A Roslyn analyzer with rules related to generation and consumption of enumerables and async enumerables in C#.
Predicate Helper is a C# utility that will take different lambda expressions and combine them. It can be used with an ORM (like Entity Framework) and it will allow you to create dynamic queries.
Utilities for an easy life programming in the null-laden world of C#
.Net Standard library for using Linq to Objects to iterate in time using classes as Date, Month, Year, Decade, etc.
.Net Standard library with a lot of shortcuts fo standard classes
Package Description
A generic LINQ QueryProvider implementation, used by LinqToRest.
This is the Microsoft assembly for the .Net 4.0 Dynamic language functionality.