Top 20 NuGet linq Packages

.NET Data Client Framework based on native queries and with optional Linq support.
Groups strings based on their edit distance (Levenshtein Distance).
This helper library includes several extension methods for working with Linq and data classes.
Useful functions and extension based on NetStandard 2.0
Package Description
Some usefull extensions methods
LINQ-like fluent extension methods for asynchronously enumerable sequences.
Provides ForEach
Common Linq Extensions, Slicing support in C# and String extension methods. Includes also common linq operations as Array returning operations.
Package Description
WPF library to manipulate ObservableCollection fully synced collections through LINQ syntax
An alternative query compiler for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer that supports complex queries and operators and FOR JSON.
In memory, persisted to localstorage, database for .net Blazor browser framework
Clases genéricas para implementar paginación con filtrado y ordenamiento dinámicamente del lado del servidor. PWFO: Pagination With Filtering and Ordering.
Helper functions to write dynamic LINQ queries
A fork of Paul Yoder's LinqToExcel project which includes the ability to lazily stream results among other experimental improvements.
This project supplies compile time support for FeralExpressionsCore. For every.cs file which contains a partial class with one or more expression bodied method, it creates an equivalent of that method which has the same logic, but is a static Expression property. For example, public static string Te...