Top 20 NuGet lightweight Packages

High-performance in-memory multi-criteria collection search
Summer Batch is a lightweight, reliable, efficient, open-source batch framework for .Net and C# community. Its design is driven by the concepts exposed in the JSR-352 specification and provides for .NET 4.6.1 C# an equivalent to JBatch / Spring Batch. Key Features: • Repeatable and customizable b...
Lightweight and simple Excel-based reporting engine allows you to generate reports in Excel (only 2007+ format) using specially developed syntax and data providers. The reporting engine comes very helpful when you need to generate excel-based report with built-in formulas or VBA code even.
MVVM<BareknuckleStyle> higly extensible, yet lightweight implementation of INotifyPropprtyChanged
Html helper for Lightweight and serializable PagedList implementation for .NET that can create a Pager Markup (Bootstrap for version 3.3.x and version 4.x.x) MVC 3-4-5
Make cross-platform app MVVM-ready with only single lightweight small binary or file.
Base abstractions for simple lightweight .NET Event Bus Library
Lightweight and Easy to use Discord Webhooks Library
Very fast .NET in-memory message queue that uses TCP/InProc transport
Lightweight library for caching data on disk instead of using memory. -Simple interface: Everything possible by calling getting or setting method. -Supports AES encryption for data saved on disk -No other dependencies -Support for .NET 3.5 and above -Auto-clearing of all files used for caching -M...
A simple, lightweight, Nano-ORM for .NET
Lightweight and serializable PagedList implementation for .NET 4.5.2+ For collection types: IQuryable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, ICollection<T>
A lightweight api wrapper for HttpClient to make it all about json.
Library for lightweight abstraction of plugable/extensible HTTP Proxy which could be build in any web application
A lean and mean messagebus
An inmemory implementation of RDS.CaraBus
Lightweight and serializable PagedList implementation for .NETStandard 2.0+ For collection types: IQuryable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, ICollection<T>