Top 20 NuGet jwt Packages

Package for integrating JWT Bearer Token Security from Auth0 in a .NET Core App 3.x
GraphiQLAuth available as middleware for ASP.NET Core
Simple client for request webapi
A fast and secure library to get the access token and encrypt and decrypt password in .net core
Collection of middleware, providing a simple JWT-based authentication
JsonWebToken AuthorizeAttribute for ASP.NET MVC
CommonWell-Token is a .NET security token library for the CommonWell Health Alliance service.
JsonWebToken DelegatingHandler for ASP.NET Web API
MetroOAuth JWT Server with implemenation of audience store, appstore, metroapplication user
A solution for adding Federated Identity Scaffolding to an Asp.Net Web Project. See Project Site link for more details.
Jwt.Token.Authorization.Server is an extensions to provide JWT Token Authorizatin Server.
Angular JWT (angular-jwt) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
JWT Client (jwt-client) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
This is a JWT library. Currently this can verify tokens, check expiration ("exp"), check not before ("nbf"), check subject ("sub"), and can be used with any of these cryptography algorithms: HS256, HS382, HS512. Uses Semantic Versioning starting from 1.1.0
Azure Key Vault implementation of ITokenSigningService for IdentityServer4
A basic implementation of the JWT standard for .Net Core
Socketio JWT Auth (socketio-jwt-auth) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.