Top 20 NuGet jwt Packages
Custom JWT Token system template with EntityFramework Core on ASP.NET Core Web API.
This package contains:
JWT Token system on .ASP Net Core and EntityFramework Core with Repository Pattern
Ip limitation
Easily validate OIDC / JWT Bearer Tokens to authenticate users and secure your Azure Functions application. Works with popular identity providers including Auth0, Azure AD B2C, Azure AD, and Okta.
Makes use of Identity to give a simple JWT controller for web api.
This library is used in the verification project when Ocelot is used as an API gateway. In the Ocelot project, the API project, the verification project, and the injection function can be used.
JsonWebToken DelegatingHandler for ASP.NET Web API
A helper library to generate GitHub JWT from GitHub Apps private key
Token authentication libary includes generating JWT authentication token and optionally refreshing the token each request. Fully configurable with Token Builder
Relational entities for the OpenIddict Entity Framework 6.x stores.
This component will be registered JWT Authenticate in ASP.NET CORE project.
ASPNET package for ChustaSoft.Tools.Authorization project configuration in AspNet projects
SqlServer implementation for ChustaSoft.Tools.Authorization project based on ASPNET Identity
JWT Authentication Plugin for Asp.Net Core Identity
A Trivial package to configure token validation generated by TrivialJwt
A Trivial package to generate token based on AspNetIdentity
Versatile OpenID Connect stack for OWIN/Katana (compatible with ASP.NET 4.6.1 and newer).
OWIN/Katana integration package for the OpenIddict server services (compatible with ASP.NET 4.6.1 and newer).
OWIN/Katana integration package for the OpenIddict validation services (compatible with ASP.NET 4.6.1 and newer).
Authenticate a Salesforce Connected App with OAuth2 JWT Bearer Flow
ASP.NET Core types and middlewares to accept tokens from Azure B2C and Azure AD tenants. For more info, see the project url