Top 20 NuGet json Packages

System.Text.Json JsonConverters for F# types
System.Text.Json JsonConverters for F# types
Extension methods for MongoDB.Bson.Path that implement jsonpath. The code is a port of the jsonpath engine in Newtonsoft.Json.
Extension methods for BlushingPenguin.JsonPath that implement jsonpath. The code is a port of the jsonpath engine in Newtonsoft.Json.
A save file management system for storing & retrieving data for applications.
Convert CSV to JSON
Easily create high performance, deterministic hashes of any serializable object or stream of bytes
This package contains the data for the CloudEvents used within Google, serialized using the System>Text.Json package
This lib provide inbuilt 900+ MIME Type, easy to get mime type based on FileName or Extension. Also load category wise Mime Type using .Json files.
Helper for Systen.Text.Json.JsonSerializer in combination with EnumValueObject
ASP.NET Core JsonViewer Component for Server-Side Blazor Based-on Alenaksu's Json-Viewer
Abstraction convertion functionalities and polymorphism for System.Text.Json
Integration of F# JSON into Giraffe
Library Serialisation Json
Neo create a local base for your aplicatons in format Json.
1.0.6 Build: You can now create, filter and delete your own nodes. For more information about this project, I invite to send you an email to [email protected] and get API enabling file to work with this library. If you send an email to this email. I will invite you to deploy this database ...
A simple C# common library. Free and open source.
Provides extension methods for user's identity. (Get User ID and Generate JWT)
Generate Name Address City ZipCode Color and a lot more (Current Languages: NL BE US)
A .Net wrapper over Unsplash API