Top 20 NuGet json Packages

This lib uses the builder pattern to build a JSON response for a formly JsonPowered form. See for more info
SharpChecker is a CLI program that looks into .NET libraries (dll) and executables (exe) to check on information about specific types as the user has queried. SharpChecker will generate a JSON file that records everything it can about the specified type. Alternatively, the program can also list all ...
The package of Cascade library. It allows to convert text description to C# object and get data in hierarchical tree format.
Helper Library to help create JPaths from Json. And also set values via a JPath in a json.
Strorage for settings in json file
Simple storage of settings in json file
Robust and simple JSON parsing for F#
Toolbox and WorkFlow for the agile development of .Net Web App and Api projects.
A nice integration between EasyCaching and EasyCompressor. This library aids in Improving Performance by Reducing Memory Usage and Bandwidth Usage by compressing your cache data, especially for distributed cache (such as Redis). EasyCaching is an Easy-to-Use caching library that offers many features...
Test-oriented HTTP & TCP API allowing interaction (and testing of) HTTP based Non-GUI endpoints such as Webservices and RESTful services etc.
An idiomatic F# JSON parser and serializer
A C# library for parsing and evaluating excel-type and arithmetic expressions with inputs from JSON objects.
Small helper that helps to use a configuration file in Xamarin Forms or diferents files for each platform
CloudNDevOps.Newtonsoft.Extensions is a library that extends functionality provided by Newtonsoft needed by common applications. One of such functionalities is ability to de-serialize collection of object families.
Write Data To Json File To cache it for testing
Stack only json deserialization using generators and System.Text.Json library
Package Description
Standardised service for interacting with standardised REST API (TBC).
Converts Sass variables to a corresponding JSON format.