Top 20 NuGet iqueryable Packages

Simple strongly typed interface for IQueryable-to-object mappings optimized for Entity Framework without reflection usages.
Provides various extension methods for use with IQueryable<T> implementations.
Nice LINQ extensions.
Lightweight optimizer of System.Linq.Expression expressions. Just basic boolean algebra and reductions, constant and tuple/anonymous type eliminations. For side-effect free Expressions. No compilation-subjective optimizations.
Library for resolving GraphQL queries. Integrates well with Entity Framework Core by helping you create IQueryable objects from the passed GraphQL document and variables. Contains MSBuild and dotnet CLI targets for generating GraphLinqQL C# from GraphQL schemas. Part of the GraphLinqQL suite of li...
Library for supporting GraphQL Introspection for GraphLinqQL generated classes. Part of the GraphLinqQL suite of libraries, which are designed to add C# support for GraphQL via creating LINQ queries.
Includes a GraphQL AST, Parser, and Lexer based on Antlr4 for .Net Standard and Framework. Part of the GraphLinqQL suite of libraries, which are designed to add C# support for GraphQL via creating LINQ queries.
Library for integrating GraphLinqQL with ASP.Net Core to easily create GraphQL endpoints with C#. Part of the GraphLinqQL suite of libraries, which are designed to add C# support for GraphQL via creating LINQ queries.
A library that allows use of IQueryable in WCF web service.
Wrap exceptions thrown when enumerating instances of IQueryable.
Allows to include lambda expressions into each other in c# and Visual Basic. Also allows to avoid using string constants in reflection thus enabling easy refactoring.
Package Description
QueryDesigner provides way of creating complex IQueryable filtering based on dynamic expression trees. Also includes filtering expression for collections like .Any(t=>t.Status && t.MaxSpeed>300)
A library for declaring properties into remote-translatable expressions.
My attempt at query interception, allows for writing out the sql of queries as they are being executed
My .tt file for generating a CodeFirstContext based on a folder of code first models
This package goes in your data access layer
A library with IQueryable extensions.
Seemlessly interact with IQueryable instances.
QueryFilter provides way of providing complex filtering on IQueryable<> with dynamic expression trees. With one property, you can do multiple filters, ands, ors, contains, less than, not equals, etc for anything that implements IQueryable. This also applies to Entity Framework. You also get the abil...