Top 20 NuGet iqueryable Packages

Extensions to help build truly RESTFul API's
Hisoka is a framework agnostic tool to execute dynamic paginating, filtering and sorting with IQueryable types
Lightweight optimizer of System.Linq.Expression expressions. Just basic boolean algebra and reductions, constant and tuple/anonymous type eliminations. For side-effect free Expressions. No compilation-subjective optimizations.
General .net Extensions, Can be used in any kind .net programs
Provides feature to integrate Hisoka in AspNet Core applications
ASP.NET Core middleware for deserializing EF Core queries.
Functionality for serializing queries and retrieving results using HttpClient.
Azure Storage Extensions is a .NET library aimed for managing and querying entities from Microsoft Azure Storage. It's built on top of Azure Storage Client Library, provides LINQ to Azure Tables queries and async interfaces.
Popular lib for using with IQueryable. Install this package to use with MVC5
Functionality for serializing and deserializing expression trees.
Azure Storage Extensions is a .NET library aimed for managing and querying entities from Microsoft Azure Storage. It's built on top of Azure Storage Client Library, provides LINQ to Azure Tables queries and async interfaces.
Popular lib for using with IQueryable. This package contain x-platform shared code. Install either Mvc.JQuery.DataTables for MVC5 or Mvc.JQuery.DataTables.AspNetCore for AspNetCore
Construct Linq queries using strings.
Turn any data source into an IQueryable
A .NET Core library can take paged data from IQueryable.
IQueryable extension methods and models to perform common table queries like filteration, sorting, and pagination.
An AJAX/HTML Table framework for ASP.Net MVC
An implementation of GraphQL for .NET and IQueryable
Core functionality for working with expression trees.
IQueryable extension methods and models to perform common table queries like filteration, sorting, and pagination.