Top 20 NuGet iot Packages

RPC Client Functionality and Interfaces for Building Apps with the LagoVista IoT and Devices Framework
Retry Capability for the LagoVista IoT and Devices Framework
Console Logging Functionality for Debugging the LagoVista IoT and Devices Framework. What to log a call to every method with it's argument values? Just wrap it in the console proxy.
Provides runtime services to create and send messages from simulators as defined in NuvIoT.
Configure the Raspberry Pi with this MultiPlug Extension (
Provides a ASP.NET Core Rest interface for working with Documents, Images and other media.
Provides models for working with Media, Document, Images and Videos
Provides long term persistence for working with Documents, Images and videos in the LagoVista IoT and Devices Framework
Provides business logic for working with Documents, Images and videos in the LagoVista IoT and Devices Framework
Provides controllers for the NuvAI Platform.
Provides Models for the NuvAI Platform.
Provides repositories to store AI Meta data and models to azure.
Provides Interfaces, Models and Managers for NuvAI Platform.
Recommended Google client library to access the Google Cloud IoT API, which registers and manages IoT devices that connect to the Google Cloud Platform.
.NET library for reflection-based serialization and deserialization of JSON documents
Generic caching solution for the Sensate IoT data platform.
Discover devices on a network using Simple Service Discovery Protocol with this MultiPlug Extension
Provisioning Device Client MQTT Transport for Azure IoT Devices
Contains theme files for the Cactus Rose theme.
Contains theme files for the Gothic Peacock theme.