Top 20 NuGet integrationtest Packages

Integration testing and unit testing helpers.
Piñata is a simple and lightweight .NET library for managing database state during integration testing
DotGoodies.Testing.Log4Net helps to configure logging within tests. It can also intercept error and fatal messages so a test can assert this. An integration or unit test can use it during setting the SUT up and during the assertion phase.
xUnit Integration testing and testing helpers.
IntegrationTestFramework.Core contains essential definition to preform a successful IntegrationTest
IntegrationTestFramework.TestAdapter executes integration test
EasyMoq is a lightweight library for minimizing the mocking overhead of writing of tests.
Simplify integrationtesting via http.
Integration test and application health verification framework for ASP.Net MVC
Crowbar is an application testing library for ASP.NET MVC 3 and 4.
Maddir is a micro library which allows directory trees and files to be created using a simple markup syntax
Shamz is a micro library for mocking command line executables. Shamz allows you to dynamically create an executable which will match command line args and take some action (delay, return a specific exit code, etc..). Useful for writing tests against an external executable.
Simple framework for easy unit testable entity framework.
Simple framework for easy unit testable entity framework.
DotGoodies.Testing.ApplicationConfiguration provides a programmatic way to change the values stored in application configuration section of a app.config file. An integration or unit test can use it during setting the SUT up.
Simple framework for ease Integration Testing, providing an structure and a workflow control
This library extends the core functionality of FluentAssertions by adding assertions on the HttpResponseMessage class. Fluent assertions quickstarts and tutorials -