Top 20 NuGet integration Packages
PayGate Integration Library
WaveFlex Public Integration Service Proxies
WaveFlex Public Integration Models
Integrate legacy file based integrations with modern c# syntax.
Set of methods to facilitate waiting a certain amount of time for a delegate to evaluate, while ignoring certain exceptions while attempting to evaluate, and throwing after a specified time limit (or throwing immediately if an unexpected exception is encountered)
A FeatureSelect utility for loading features from configuration
Fixed bugs with cc button not opening content
MSApprovalls DLL for tenant onboarding
Removed the redundant placeholder attributes in the blocks.
Tool to extend the capabilities of your .net core tests to run more comprehensive + deterministic scenarios, supports: HTTP stubbing/assertions/recording and asserting logs.
**SystemTestingTools** (for .net core 3.1+) extends your test capabilities, providing ways to create / return stubs, allowing you to run more comprehensive / deterministic / reliable tests in your local dev machine / build tool and in non-prod environments.
* supporting interception of Http (H...
git-flow-version creates predictable and opinionated SemVer 2.0.0 version numbers for git flow repositories.
Spin up integration tests on your Azure Functions!
Adds extensions to HttpClient for sending http requests and asserting against http responses for testing.
A lightweight library for unit testing that reduces the boilerplate necessary for test-driven development and test isolation.
(Updated with MKL 2019.2.187) Intel MKL native libraries for Math.NET Numerics on Linux.