Top 20 NuGet integration Packages

Sigfox Integration Library
Extensions to assist integration testing ASP.NET Core web applications.
Hubspot integration for create company, contact, deal, file...
An integration between AspNetCore.SignalR and Orleans to allow communication between clients distributed across multiple servers and backend services.
An integration between AspNetCore.SignalR and Orleans to allow communication between clients distributed across multiple servers and backend services.
An integration between AspNetCore.SignalR and Orleans to allow communication between clients distributed across multiple servers and backend services.
ADatabaseFixture.SqlServer, SqlServer database adapter plugin for ADatabaseFixture
ADatabaseFixture.GalacticWasteManagement, GalacticWasteManagement migration plugin for ADatabaseFixture
ADatabaseFixture.FluentMigrator, FluentMigrator migration plugin for ADatabaseFixture
NServiceBus integration testing support
API Client for Unity Publisher Portal -
This is a source package for Microsoft Enterprise Library Silverlight Integration Pack for you to customize, reuse and learn from. Install and unzip from the source subfolder of the corresponding package folder
MongoDB runner helper for running integration tests
This module modifies the native HttpContext to hide the AppHarbor load balancing setup from ASP.NET. You no longer need to worry about port numbers, secure connections and eaten remote IP addresses. The following work-arounds will no longer be needed:
Nant.Builder provides a set of nant scripts that allows you simply build, version, test and deploy your solution to windows azure. See the project site for more details
Adds basic MSBuild script and required infrastructure to your solution.