Top 20 NuGet injection Packages

Microsoft Unity ioc container preconfigured library for dependency injection control for any .net application that follows .net standard
Simple dependency injection for .net Standard
Wrappers around simple injector that provide also interception facility using castle
Yet another dependency injection framework, focused on extensibility and performance.
Provides name-based registrations to Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
DI extension for Fortu.Mediator
A .NET/C# implementation of the mediator pattern with support for queries, commands and events. Has first class support for middleware and mediation contexts. This package provides support for wiring up your handlers and middleware with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Ensuring property injection for CastleWindsor IoC container.
A small library to reorganise how classes are added to the ServiceCollection.
Supports Interface based Factories, also supports Dependency Injection.
The core library for the singularity ioc container
The package adds interception to the default dependency injection container.
Extends Microsoft Dependency Injection for registering and resolving interfaces/classes by name. automatic registration of modules
Twino IOC Service containers and scopes
Abstractions for Command Query Responsability Segregation with Mediator, supporting Dependency Injection and extensible middleware based pipelines.
Command Query Responsability Segregation with Mediator, supporting Dependency Injection and extensible middleware based pipelines.
A part of the legendary ByteBee-Framework!
Oracle database module for GenericSqlProvider.
A plugin for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection to support automatically injecting all types which defines ITransientType, IScopedType, ISingletonType.