Top 20 NuGet in-memory Packages
GetCache is a distributed in-memory cache that supports sharding data on multiple nodes and data replication. This library is the GetCache Monitor API client for .Net 4.5
Common interfaces and helpers for working with MessageRouter
In-Memory database provider for OpenEventSourcing (to be used for testing purposes).
ReindexerNet.Core includes rest api models for Reindexer and includes base interfaces for ReindexerNet.
Prevalence library for .NET
Simple lightweight object in-memory cache, with a background timer to remove expired objects.
Fast in-memory cache for data that are expensive to create and can be used in a thread-safe manner.
All stored items are kept in concurrent data structures (ConcurrentDictionary) to allow multi-thread usag...
Enable logging with Log4Net for OrigoDb
Enable OrigoDb serialization with ProtoBuf
Build faster systems faster with native .NET in-memory data modeling. No SQL, No o/r-mapping, no problems!
OrigoDB command journaling to the EventStore
OrigoDB command journaling using NEventStore
A simlpe .Net client for the Disque in-memory distributed queue.
An in-memory storage provider for Ledger
In Memory refresh token store for JWT Simple Server
CQELight.Buses.InMemory provides two buses, one for command and one for events, use to dispatch events and commands in the same in-memory process.
In Memory refresh token store for JWT Simple Server