Top 20 NuGet in-memory Packages

This contains a custom ASP.NET Core session state middleware using NCache Enterprise.
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using NCache Enterprise. This implementation of IDistributedCache can also be used for caching ASP.NET Core response.
This contains a custom ASP.NET Core session state middleware using NCache OpenSource.
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using NCache Professional. This implementation of IDistributedCache can also be used for caching ASP.NET Core response.
This contains a custom ASP.NET Core session state middleware using NCache Professional.
A fake in-memory relational database for prototypes and unit tests.
Library for leveraging the power of the Lazy class to enable high performance caching at all layers of an application. It provides support for both Sync and Async Lazy caching operations in an extremely lightweight and simple footprint -- with passive cache coding style using Lambdas to maximize ser...
An SDK that uses lucene.NET API with NCache Enterprise to scale out full-text searching.
An SDK that uses lucene.NET API with NCache Professional to scale out full-text searching.
Yarn In-memory Provider
Apache Ignite ASP.NET Integration. Output Cache Provider: caches page output in a distributed in-memory cache. Session State Store Provider: stores session state data in a distributed in-memory cache.
Caching provider for NHibernate using NCache Enterprise. Supports SqlCacheDependency, allowing SQL Server changes to invalidate the cache.
Provides classes that support querying of cached data from NCache Enterprise.
NCache Enterprise backplane for scaling out ASP.NET Core SignalR applications in web-farm.
A backplane using NCache Enterprise messaging service for scaling out ASP.NET SignalR applications.
This contains a custom ASP.NET session state provider using NCache Enterprise.
Caching provider for NHibernate using NCache Professional.
NCache Professional backplane for scaling out ASP.NET Core SignalR applications in web-farm.
A backplane using NCache Professional messaging service for scaling out ASP.NET SignalR applications.
This contains a custom ASP.NET session state provider using NCache Professional.