Top 20 NuGet image Packages

Metrosoft Internal Package for Server file viewer and uploading. This package requires Kendo.UI.Web or Kendo.UI.Mvc
This package contains an image utility tool used to compress resize and detect mime type of images and documents of different formats.
Easy Image is a library that provides, basically, functions to resize and crop images.You will have 4 functions, Crop, Resize, HeightResize and WidthResize.All functions are a extension of Image class.
Awesome Image Enhancer
nQuant is a .net color quantizer that can dramatically reduce the size of images with little to no perceptible quality loss.
Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS) minimal FreeImage .Net Core wrapper for resizing images
Visaul Basic Azuki bean
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My Ajax Upload helper for mvc web projects HTML Helper to add complex input control to your MVC page