Top 20 NuGet image Packages

Utilize ML5 Library from c# in Blazor Client.Play with Teachable Machine models or Create a Neural Network model or use a Image Classifier or Sound Classifier or YOLO or COCOSSD model or PoseNet model , visit Github for documentation.
Displays image and video slides using pages
The library that provides smart extension methods to read and write PNG, JPG, BMP, ICO and other image formats.
Managed wrapper for MozJPEG. This is a convenience package to easily install the managed wrapper as well as the native binaries. For easier usage with imaging/graphics libraries, see also MozJpegSharp.SkiaSharp and MozJpegSharp.GdiPlus. MozJPEG reduces file sizes of JPEG images while retaining...
Image helpers for compress, resize,...
Bridge library to use Blurhash within UWP
A library to fill in PDF fields.
Lightweight Helper Library for performing tasks on Pdf files such as: scaling and resizing Pdf Documents and Pages of existing Pdf documents, converting Images into Pdf format, and merging Pdf Documents as well as merging Images into Existing Pdf documents. It leverages iTextSharp for core work but...
A simple to use .NET Standard library for anime tracing using
Bridge library to use Blurhash with SkiaSharp
Custom implementation of LazZiya.ImageResize on top of System.Drawing (
C# port of the MapBox pixelmatch image comparison library. Features accurate anti-aliased pixels detection and perceptual color difference metrics. Implements ideas from the following papers: Measuring perceived color difference using YIQ NTSC transmission color space in mobile applications (2010...
This library have a control that can display raw bytes as image in ImageControl in WPF. It can also display Mat type from EMGU.CV (opencv)
Very simple library of utilities for images.
Contains classes and utilities for media operations
Library for simple image manipulation like creating thumbnails or resizing images
A C# API wrapper for interacting with imageboards running Philomena, such as Derpibooru.
Dynamic Data embedded database image field template and http handler.
An image processing wrapper around GDI+, allowing you to apply one or more filters against an image source.