Top 20 NuGet iis Packages

Get ASP.NET and IIS custom error pages right. Install this package and then customize the pages in the Error folder to match the look of your site.
Brings all web related TestEasy packages to the project: WebServers, Azure, WebBrowser, NuGet helpers
Wrappers and abstractions around Selenium and Selenium Grid functionality supporting all major browsers interactions
Facade consolidating Azure APIs (REST, managed etc) into simple classes, providing a single entry point for all Azure scenarios
Remote helpers used by ConDep operations server side.
ConDepNode is a Node deployed to remote servers by ConDep allowing easy remote interaction with servers.
ConDep is a highly extendable Domain Specific Language for Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code on Windows. This package contians operations for interacting with Amazon AWS, like bootstrapping Windows servers.
Basic setup of integration testing
IIS 6 .NET Data Reader Adaptor
Provides basic error pages for your IIS project
Wrapper for IIS (Internet Information Service) elements creation and query. List Websites, Application Pools and also create or delete them. Create virtual directory or application inside an existing website. Compatible with IIS 6 and higher.
ASP.NET integration for Hangfire. Unofficial Package.
A fluent .NET library for automating site and app pool creation in IIS7+.
Lightweight helper APIs simplifying IIS,IISExpress and Nuget packages management in tests
Extendable wrappers and abstractions over web servers (IIS, IISExpress or custom)
NuGet API wrappers simplifying nuget package management in websites at runtime
This package helps auto-restart a application hosted in iis after a shutdown. Just in 2 steps: adding a library and setting a couple of config settings. Configuration info on project's url
NoIIS is a lightweight C# web server for the IHttpHandlerFactory and IHttpHandler to void the huge and heavy IIS web server for some cases.
Setup and teardown of service resources in unit testing and integration testing.
Setup http client resources