Top 20 NuGet iis Packages

ConDep is a highly extendable Domain Specific Language for Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code on Windows. This package contians all the default operations found in ConDep. For additional operations, look for ConDep.Dsl.Operations.Contrib.
Fixtures and helpers for integration testing with xUnit, and NUnit and MS Test.
A tiny FSharp and CSharp Rest server hosted on IIS
Set of helper functions for smooth running Suave web server on Internet Information Services (IIS)
NChronicle is an extensible logging and output library allowing centralized management and distribution of log messages to a number of logging destinations (known as 'Libraries'). NChronicle.SMTP is a comprehensive SMTP email Library sending log messages in customizable email messages. It includes ...
Service Fabric support for IIS Hosted Web Core.
IIS W3C typed log file reader/parser Web Crop Image Control allows developers to build image cropping functionality easily on their projects. You can seamlessly crop images and yet provide your visitors the most user friendly web interface by simply doing drag and drop in your projects.
Before installing on Win2008 run Powershell.exe and then "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned"! The only real alternative to IIS, UWS is a redistributable web server for Windows that can packaged with your ASP.NET web application and installed on your customers' systems along with your web app or site...
A tool to allow redirection of multiple configured hosts for rank preservation. The Multi-Host Redirector will support multiple configuration types. Currently *.config XML configuration is the only configuration type supported.
Encryption and decryption of HTTP cookies, provides protection against manual cookie tampering.
Derive the IP address of a remote client when hosting in Microsoft .NET / IIS.
Web Deploy PowerShell (wdp) is a set of PowerShell modules for performing web deploy PowerShell commands. This is the backup module. Get more details at the project site.
Web Deploy PowerShell (wdp) is a set of PowerShell modules for performing web deploy PowerShell commands. This is the deploy module. Get more details at the project site.
Seamlessly adds a Swagger to WebApi projects!
Collection of utility classes for dealing with Windows services, IIS, WMI, Registry, x509 certs, Files, security, network shares, GAC files, and a few other things. Most utilities can be ran locally or remotely.
Fluent installation is a server installation framework for .net that lets you write installers fluently in C# and then invoke them directly through powershell cmdlets.
[FX4.0] This module contains BasicAuthenticationHttpModule module that allow you using easily a custom basic http authentication for every IIS/ASP.NET hosted applications, like also WCF REST, WCF SOAP, OData Services & so on...
ConDep is a highly extendable Domain Specific Language for Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code on Windows.