Top 20 NuGet ios Packages

Provides a sample class for consuming HTTP REST web services, including calling GET, POST, PUT and DELETE operations. It hides the complexity behind serializiing and deserializing entities/models and creating HTTP requests.
Provides a sample code to get started with SQLite: a sample user interface for inserting and retrieving data, in addition to the code required for each platform. Watch this video to get started: It supports: 1) Xamarin.Android 2) Xamarin.iOS 3) Windows UWP 4) Windows Store 5) W...
This project provides .Net standard library to help developers load .FB2 ebook files. This ebook files format is widely acceptable in Russia. If you doing some converter, reader or editor for ebooks and you using one of the .Net languages - this project for you.
Several extension methods for the MonoGame Matrix class
MonoGame library for drawing primitive shapes
SpecialFolder plugins for Xamarin..
Monogame library for circle/line and tunnel-free circle/circle collision detection.
A MonoGame library for sorting the draw order of 2d objects
Bridge.NET support for the browser's debugging console
Those extensions for Xamarin.Forms basicaly add storage of the navigation history when the application stops. Extensions has been prefered to subclassing for more flexibility.
Those extensions for Xamarin.Forms basicaly add storage of the navigation history when the application stops. Extensions has been prefered to subclassing for more flexibility.
Cross-platform Reactive Locations for Xamarin.
Provides a sample implementation of a ContentPage that shows tweets of a specific user using the Twitter API.