Top 20 NuGet ios Packages

CrossPlatformLibrary.Device is a plug-in for reading platform-independent device information.
CrossPlatformLibrary.Maps is a plug-in for map related concerns. It enables cross-platform map functionality.
CrossPlatformLibrary.Market is a plug-in for accessing platform-independent app market functionality.
CrossPlatformLibrary.Messaging is a plug-in for platform-independent communication (email, telephone, sms).
CrossPlatformLibrary.MetroLogTracer is a plug-in for CrossPlatformLibrary which adds MetroLog tracing support. MetroLog is a cross-platform logging/tracing framework similar to log4net.
This package provides the platform specific implementations to support Calcium Core features. Calcium includes an easy to use ICommand implementation, frictionless INPC, a cross-platform settings service, IoC and DI, and a weak referencing pub/sub messenger. This package includes all supported plat...
This package provides the platform specific implementations to support Calcium Core features. Calcium includes an easy to use ICommand implementation, frictionless INPC, a cross-platform settings service, IoC and DI, and a weak referencing pub/sub messenger. This package includes all supported plat...
Yahoo App Publishing provides a flexible ad-serving platform that is easy to set up and use, enabling you to maximize your ad revenue and engage actively with your users. As a Publisher, you can drive revenue by creating banners, interstitials, native and video ads for your app.
Xamarin (iOS) UI for Donky Push
This is a the Serilog.Sinks.RollingFileAlternate sink, but with support for multiple platforms, including iOS and MonoDroid - it writes logs to files rolling on size.
Collection extensions to Bridge.NET projects, including BitArray, HashSet, Queue and Stack.
Compass Plugin for Xamarin and Windows
.NET client for the Reincubate iCloud API. The Reincubate iCloud API provides powerful programmatic iCloud access to investigators, application developers and integrators. It is RESTful and makes many commonly-accessed forms of data available as JSON feeds. The API includes functionality for extract...
CrossPlatformLibrary.WebBrowser is a cross-platform abstraction which allows to open browser requests.
A simple framework Mvvm framework for Xamarin Forms
A wrapper around WebView that will allow your application to display Markdown documents with bindable content and custom stylesheets.