Top 20 NuGet helpers Packages
Helpers e Extension Methods para o HtmlAgilityPack.
Material Design Lite Tag Helpers for ASP.NET Core.
.NET Extensions and helpers for Core and Common .NET types
Libreria coi metodi di helpers standard per l'integrazione, tramite WebAPI, con il sistema documentale DocSuite
Helpers and Extensions for C# built on .Net Standart 2.0 (.Net Framework and .Net Core)
SSAK - Selenium Specflow Automation Kit Provides Code Wrappers To Ease The Automation QA Process. SSAK Aims To Bridge The Gap between Test Engineers And Code Experts With Underlying Implementation. Professor MMS Mission Is To "Provide A Pragmatic Effective Approach To Automation Development By Optim...
Gneral utils classes, mainly static
A collection of math functions able to speed up the coding of solutions to Project Euler problems.
Written in C# on .NET Core.
Visit the GitHub repository for additional informations.
A set of controllers to help simplify Process, WMI, Network, and Service calls.
A free Tag Helper Library for Bootstrap (Version 4.x) - the world's most popular mobile-first and responsive front-end framework.
.NET Extensions and helpers for Log4Net
.NET Extensions and helpers for Console Applications
.Net library to simplify access WCF Services.
Dapper-based fluent library to simplify SQL Server data access.
Dapper-based fluent library to simplify Sharepoint Client Object Model data access.
Fluent library to simplify Active Directory data access.
Dapper-based wrapper to simplify data access.
Conjunto de classes e metodos para facilitar a vida dos desenvolvedores.