Top 20 NuGet graph Packages

Graph Database with built in inference. Enables you to manage complex business and AI knowledge. The Datumtron API represents data as a graph of fundamental units called “datums” that are connected by a single fundamental relation called “is”. Any higher-level data structures or relations are constr...
Model graphs with vertices and edges.
General purpose data structures and algorithms mostly to cover the functionallity or performance gap in the framework. Includes: ProrityQueue, Bag, SymboleTable, Trie, UnionFind, Search Trees (BST, OST, RBT), sorting and graph algorithms.
Simple generic disconnected Entity Framework Core repository that resolves the entity graphs when adding or updating entities along with all its relations in a disconnected scenario.
A tree structure drawers for console applications.
A Simple Utility Library Containing Comparison, DataStructures, Fraction, Graph, U/Int128, Matrix, Sorting and Vectors.
A Simple Utility Library Containing Comparison, DataStructures, Fraction, Graph, U/Int128, Matrix, Sorting and Vectors.
Microsoft Graph Authentication Library implements authentication functionality used by Microsoft Graph Client Library. It provides a set of OAuth scenario-centric providers that implement Microsoft.Graph.IAuthenticationProvider and uses Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to handle access token ...
Provides numerous graph theory based Graph Collections
Tools and extensions to the .Net framework.
This nuget package cotains C# implementation of Dijiktra's Algorithm.
Discrete graph structure