Top 20 NuGet graph Packages

Graph search algorithms that work against any graph type implementing the interfaces defined in SCGraphTheory.Abstractions.
Mutable adjacency list graph implementation that implements the interfaces defined in SCGraphTheory.Abstractions.
Cortex Graph Client
Lightweight library for graph analysis like shortest path calculation, cycle determination, ...
This is a package which extends the neo4j driver with a query caching mechanism which can significantly increase performance.
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for Wpf. This fork is based on
C#/.NET binary driver for OrientDB.
Distributed graph database
ArangoDB-NET is C# based driver for .NET/mono framework which implements ArangoDB REST API.
A library to deal with GnuPlot - -- View lib documentation:
Description: This package contains everything you need to create a Facebook application using ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, and v2.0 of the Facebook Graph API.
JQuery plugin for creating of graph using specific input array
A simple Finite State Machine library.
WPF Charting library