Top 20 NuGet framework Packages

Dapper integration for Stove.
RabbitMQ integration for Stove.
Xwt is a cross-platform UI toolkit for creating desktop applications with .NET and Mono. This package contains the GTK toolkit backend for Xwt based applications targeting GTK2 on Mac. Xwt.Gtk requires gtk-sharp ( The Windows installation package can be obtained...
NHibernate Orm integration for Stove.
Portable .NET foundation-level 'json api' classes used for serializing and deserializing between raw JSON and CLR objects that represent the domain model of the JSON API specification. Portable .NET foundation-level 'convention' classes used for defining what conventions are to be used by th...
Sql Server Sync Provider. Manage a sync process beetween two relational databases provider. This provider works with SQL Server and can be used as Client or Server provider .Net Standard 2.0
Orange Boosted with Bootstrap is a Bootstrap based, Orange branded accessible and ergonomic components library.
Orange Boosted with Bootstrap is a Bootstrap based, Orange branded accessible and ergonomic components library.
This middleware uses Cognitive Services Check to automatically correct inbound message text.
Steeltoe common library for security
Easily create, build and deployment solution for your custom control using PCF.
I-Synergy Framework Azure MessageBus
Sql Server Sync Provider. Manage a sync process beetween two relational databases provider. This provider works with SQL Server and can be used as Client or Server provider. Based on SqlSyncProvider, but uses the SQL Server change tracking feature instead of tracking tables. .Net Standard 2.0
Glader.Essentials provide basic essential .NET/C# development libraries for day-to-day development needs. The GameFramework contains a simplistic mini-Game Engine API.
Xwt is a cross-platform UI toolkit for creating desktop applications with .NET and Mono. This package contains the GTK toolkit backend for Xwt based applications targeting GTK2 on Windows. Xwt.Gtk requires gtk-sharp ( The Windows installation package can be obta...
Xwt is a cross-platform UI toolkit for creating desktop applications with .NET and Mono. This package contains the GTK3 toolkit backend for Xwt based applications targeting GTK3. Xwt.Gtk3 requires gtk-sharp3 ( The Windows installation package can be obtained fro...
CatFactory Package for Entity Framework Core
NetTopologySuite support for Pomelo's MySQL provider for Entity Framework Core.
a library for modular develop based on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection. 基于 Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 的模块化开发库。
The AForge.Math library contains set of math utilities, which are used by other AForge.NET framework's libraries or may be used individually.